1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approval of March 9, 2022 Minutes
3. Old Business: Review the To Do items from the 3/9/2022 meeting which included:
a. Discussion/Determination of the inclusion of the roadway from the Madany property line to Hoyrup’s. (Mary/Russ)
b. Discussion/Information on the process required by the County Commissioners to approach the HOA with a request for assistance (Russ)
c. Discussion/Information on the inflation cost increase for each of the last 2 years (John)
4. New Business items for consideration:
a. Discussion/Dialogue on how to formally approach the HOA concerning their possible partnering with the SID in funding the engineering
b. Discussion/Dialogue on components/requirements for the engineering expectations
c. Additional information received from Sarah Jones concerning possible cost saving measures for the engineering process
d. Other