1. Call To Order
2. Reading, Correction, And Approval Of Previous Minutes from 4/13/23 and 4/19/23 meeting
3. Treasurer’s Report:
Account Balance
Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
WWC Engineering Invoice for April Expenses
4. Sewer Update-Bob Lewis
a. WWC Engineer Peter Haun/Excavation of Drain Field
5. Water Update – Bob Lewis
a. Jackson Bible Church remote reader to be replaced?
b. GIS Mapping of JWSD system with Chad Thompson
6. Old Business
a. WWC Engineering – Sewer Project Update – Peter Haun
b. Wade Johnson Proposal from Special Meeting 4/19/2023
c. Committee Report JWSD By-Laws Update Results
d. New Clerk –
i. Resume Received(?)
ii. Clerk bond renewal
7. New Business:
a. Moratoruim on new water/sewer connections
8. Public Comment:
9. Adjournment