Resolution 2024-26

A Resolution Imposing Stage 2 Fire Restrictions In Beaverhead County

WHEREAS, Beaverhead County Commissioners by unanimous vote on August 5, 2024 decided to enter into Stage 2 Fire Restrictions in the county.

WHEREAS, current severe and extreme drought conditions exist, high winds, records high temperatures, low relative humidity, low water supplies, lack of precipitation, historically low fuel moisture levels, high levels of fire activity, which have contributed to a dangerous level of active and forecasted fire hazard.

WHEREAS, Beaverhead County Board of Commissioners declares that all the private land not under the jurisdiction of the municipalities or state or federal agencies is a high fire hazard area.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following acts are prohibited:

The following acts are prohibited until further notice:

  • Building maintaining, attending, or using a fire or campfire.
  • Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials.

The following acts are prohibited on State and Federal Land from 1:00 pm to 1:00 am, commonly called hoot owl hours:

  • Operating any internal combustion engine.
  • Welding, or operating acetylene or other torch with an open flame.
  • Using an explosive.
  • Operating motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails.

Note: An exemption does not absolve an individual or organization from liability or responsibility for any fire started by the any activity.

  • Hoot owl hours are exempt on private lands.
  • Persons using a device fueled solely by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels that can be turned on and off. Such devices can only be used in an area that is barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within 3 feet of the device.
  • Operating generators with an approved spark arresting device within an enclosed vehicle or building or in an area that is barren or cleared of all overhead and surrounding flammable materials within three feet of the generator.
  • Emergency repair of public utilities and railroads.
  • Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.
  • All land within a city boundary is exempted.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Beaverhead County Board of County Commissioners this the 5th day of August, 2024.