Land Services (Planner)

Land Services (Planner)

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Land Services (Planner)

The Land Use and Planning Department provides technical planning assistance as well as land use and development services in Beaverhead County. The department:

  • Provides staff support to the following advisory and decision-making bodies:
  • County Commission
  • Town of Lima
  • County Planning Board
  • County Airport Board
  • Provides technical planning support to the county Commission, Planning Board, and general public for the development and implementation of the Beaverhead County Growth Policy and other land use plans.
  • Manages and administers the County’s Subdivision Regulations, as well as a variety of other land use ordinances and regulations.
  • Provides staff support and issues permits as part of the Big Hole River Conservation Development Standards and Permitting Process.
  • Administers and reports to County Commission on applications as part of the Beaverhead County Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance.
  • Reviews and reports to decision-making bodies on subdivision approvals.
  • Administrates and issues permits as part of the Airport Affected Area Regulations for the Dillon Airport.
  • Administrates and issues permits as part of the Floodplain Management Regulations
  • Administrates and issues permits as part of the county’s Buildings for Rent/Lease Regulations.

Planning Board

The Planning Board meets the Second Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM in the Commissioner’s Room of the Beaverhead County Courthouse.

The nine Board members are appointed by the County Commissioners and serve two-year terms. One of the members of the Board must also be a member of the Beaverhead County Conservation District.

Provided Services:

  • Subdivision and Certificate of Surveys
  • Exemptions
  • Applying for subdivision, hears, etc.
  • Subdivision Regulations
  • Subdivision and COS process

Land Use Permits Required For:

  • Big Hole River Conservation Development Standards
  • Wireless Communications Facilities
  • Dillon Airport Affected Area Ordinance
  • Floodplain Management Regulations
  • Buildings for Rent/Lease Regulatiions

Long Range Planning:

  • Beaverhead County Growth Policy
  • Area Plans
  • Resource Use Plan

Planning Department:

  • Application Fees
  • Reports
  • Current Activities
  • Planning Board Bylaws
  • Planning Board Expectations
  • List of Planning Board Members


Name/Title Position Phone Email
Robert A. Macioroski Department Head (406) 683-3768 Email
Rochelle Hoerning Administrative Assistant (406) 683-3766 Email